BLISS Retreat - 3 days
3-day beach retreat immerses participants into cutting-edge energy alchemy techniques, sacred wound healing, Archangelic guidance, and initiations to euphoric Dolphin energy.
Kumari Mullin of Kumari Healing is thrilled to offer the BLISS Retreat on Friday, November 15 to Sunday, November 17. In this 3-day beach retreat, participants will immerse into cutting-edge energy alchemy techniques, sacred sound healing, Archangelic guidance, and initiations to euphoric Dolphin energy. Each participant receives ‘The Anointing’ with Yeshua, a life-altering transmission of Higher Love, well-being, deep peace, and an unmatched sense of connectedness.
Date & Time
November 16, 2019
9:00AM - 4:30PM
More Info
See website - varies: all 3-days: $297; or $350 day of the event.