Yoga Therapy Community Clinic
We accept Silver Sneakers and FitOn! Join us for this yoga therapy class for those with individual needs.

This hour is blocked out in our schedule in order to offer special yoga therapy interventions for individuals who want to utilize yoga as a complimentary therapy for specific health conditions. As yoga therapists we are trained to understand how to support people with various medical condition, perform assessments, and create individualized protocols for our clients. This clinic is in a small group format, and designed to create better access to specialized care. We will limit the number of participants in each yoga therapy clinic hour to 8 people, and we plan the number of trained yogis based on attendance. The cost is $25 per session, and first time clients should arrive 15 minutes early to fill out intake paperwork and get set up.
Date & Time
Weekly on Wednesday
Dec 01, 2024 through Dec 31, 2024
11:00AM - 12:00PM
DTE Yoga & Wellness Studio - 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie, FL, 34952