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Smile Design & Wellness Center
5445 Village Drive #100Rockledge, FL 32955
From safe mercury removal to the biological extraction where the patient’s own stem cells enhance healing, the team at Smile Design and Wellness Center (SDWC) treats patients in a caring way. “Our inviting office and the extensive array of technology enable us to deliver innovative comprehensive dentistry for the whole family,” says Dr. Edwards.
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Mention Natural Awakenings
See "The Power of Upper Cervical" and get information on this gentile, precise and healing technique. EPIC is a very specific, cutting-edge form of natural health care that focuses on the top two bones in your neck. Health Conditions that have Responded well: Allergies & Asthma Digestive Disorders Fibromyalgia Headaches High Blood Pressure Hyperactivity Low Back Pain Meniere's Syndrome Migraine Headaches Multiple Sclerosis Neck Pain TMJ Dysfunction Trigeminal Neuraigia Vertigo and more
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