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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

A True Florida Native - Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a small palm tree native to the West Indies and the Atlantic Coast of North America, from South Carolina to Florida. It grows 6-10 feet tall with 2-4 foot, spiney-toothed leaves that form a circular fan-shaped outline. Its berries were first used by the American Indians in Florida in the early 1700s to treat testicular atrophy, erectile dysfunction, and prostate gland swelling or inflammation.

Saw palmetto is an herb that's been used as a diuretic, urinary antiseptic, and that is known for its anabolic properties, but is most commonly used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyertrophy(BPH). BPH, the fancy name for an enlarged prostate gland, is a condition common in men over 50 years of age.

The American dwarf saw palmetto plant is also known as Sernoa repens. When it was compared with finasteride, a common drug prescribed for BPH, saw palmetto produced similar improvements in urologic symptoms and flow measures, with fewer adverse effects. Saw palmetto has shown no significant side effects or toxicities in men. Use with caution if you are receiving alpha-adrenergic blockers or finasteride for BPH treatment. Contrary to earlier belief, studies now show that consuming saw palmetto does not affect one’s PSA test results. Any man experiencing pain or swelling of the prostate, or who is having difficulty with urination should undergo further examination of the prostate. If you have urinary symptoms and want to try saw palmetto, talk to your doctor first.

For further information call Joyce Rizzo of Healthy Home Products at 321-636-1924 or visit

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