Say Goodnight to Insomnia
Insomnia and other sleep disorders have reached epidemic levels in the west. Nearly 70 million Americans, mostly women, suffer from it. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes four main branches: acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage therapy and qi-gong. TCM views almost all sleep disorders as stemming from either a deficiency in qi or from a surplus of qi in body organs, mainly the five yin organs which include the kidneys and heart, indicating a toxicity of mind (toxic emotions) and body (external poisons or pollutants).
With a nod to the correction of an improper diet, (eliminating the consumption of greasy and sweet foods), qi-gong therapy is an excellent way to sedate and purge the body’s organs, channels and collaterals; to notify and promote qi and blood circulation; or to balance the body’s yin and yang organ energy. Qi-gong prescription exercises and meditations can also be given to the student to practice at home. By its own innate nature, qi-gong creates improved respiratory efficiency resulting in a significant increase in the oxygenation and detoxification of the tissues and cells throughout the body. Studies show some insomnia may be due to a deficiency of endorphins (the body's own natural painkillers), and thus qi-gong is often a useful therapy. After a session of practice, there is a significant rise in the level of the essential neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, acetycholine, serotonin and dopamine in the blood, brain and cerebrospinal fluids, possibly because of increased levels of central nervous system endorphins. Blood tests on practitioners show an increase in the production of T-cells, which are vital in immune response in the thymus gland. Qi-gong practice also stimulates the pituitary, adrenal and other glandular secretions, thereby maintaining proper balance of the entire endocrine system.
During Qi-gong practice the students tend to become calm, reducing the pulse by an average of 15%, causing a shift from the stress induced “fight or flight” sympathetic nervous system to the relaxation/healing induced parasympathetic nervous system and this effect can last for several hours after practice.
For more information, please call the Vero Beach Qi-gong Society at 772-589-0787(Indian River) or 321-636-2941 (Brevard). Email [email protected] or visit