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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Healthy Holiday Eating

Thanksgiving brings thoughts of renewing our spirit of health, weight control, increased energy and freedom from sickness and disease and the healthy mental state to recognize our many blessings.

Regardless of how we celebrate, it is important to recognize how we are nourishing our body and our mind. Wellness becomes contagious. Keep in mind the ‘four corners of optimum health’ over the holidays and it just may prevent you from having to turn over a new leaf in January! The four corners are:

  • Immune Boosters & High Antioxidants
  • Good Fats
  • Organic Food Choices
  • Low Sugar Products

Keep it simple by surrounding yourself with the festive fall vegetables. Increasing your intake of living foods and live vegetable juices will eliminate toxic poisons and provide the most abundant source of nutrients used by our bodies. Watch out for holiday fragrances which have a tendency to trigger our impulses to ingest harmful substances. Why not utilize essential oils, herbs and spices? Cinnamon leaf, clove bud, nutmeg, rosemary, and tangerine all have the ability to positively influence physical well-being. Concentrate on eliminating anything white in your diet. This will enable you to eat more fiber and eliminate the majority of processed foods so detrimental our health.

Susan Onderko is a Wellness Coach and owner of Health Haven Health Store at 924 E. New Haven, Suite 103. For more information call Susan at 321-728-3930 or visit