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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Straighten Up – Bite Right

Did you ever think that your bite could relate to your posture? Most people don’t. Typically, when people think of good posture, they think of standing up straight. Yet a growing number of dentists, physical therapists and chiropractors are realizing that your bite can affect your posture – and, your posture can affect your bite.

First, realize that there is a very close connection between the head and the spine. If the head is carried too far forward in front of the shoulders, your neck, shoulders and back will likewise shift position to compensate in keeping the head upright.

Taking this one step further, we realize that your bite is also affected by your head posture. Try tilting your head backwards and close your teeth lightly together. Notice that you back teeth hit first. Now tilt your head forward – toward your chest – and again, lightly touch your teeth together. Now the front teeth hit first. These exaggerated movements demonstrate how the bite and the head position affect one another.

Because postural neglect can cause actual changes of the bones, joints and teeth, ask you dentist to evaluate whether your posture and bite need correction.

For a free pamphlet with more information on this subject, contact Dr. Claire Stagg-Ruda at 321-777-2797. She is located at 2120 Highway A1A in Indian Harbour Beach.