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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Resolutions-What's the Point?

As the dark days of December transform into the growing light of a new year, it is only natural to want to participate in that same transformation in ourselves, to feel rejuvenated and regenerated and renewed. Many of us have made resolutions, pledges or even vows to finally get fit, lose weight, or improve our health and appearance. Help in keeping our promises can come from what is, for many, an unexpected source: acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

In fact, a traditional acupuncture physician may just be the best friend that we could have in our quest to become fit, firm, and revitalized. Far from being limited to treating the sports-related injuries and pain that often happen as we take up an new exercise program, a well-qualified acupuncturist can help reduce stress, manage weight, support metabolism, increase energy, and even dramatically reduce the signs of aging, rapidly, painlessly, and without surgery or dangerous drugs.

To find a well-qualified practitioner, ask about their credentials: they should have at least a Master’s level diploma in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine, they should have experience in the areas that you need help with, and should be licensed by the State of Florida under chapter 457.

Jeannette Westlake, A.P., is the former Academic Dean of the Dragon Rises School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is the co-owner of Awesome Alternative Health, which offers comprehensive alternative medicine and wellness care. She can be contacted at [email protected] or by calling 321-698-6185.