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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Yoga Nidra Workshop in Central Merritt Island

Dr. Anne-Marie Derouault is offering a Yoga Nidra Workshop to help people relax and recharge, both physically and mentally.

“The Yoga Nidra technique will take you into the deepest levels of relaxation while still remaining fully aware. Your brainwaves slow down into subtler states as you become more relaxed, integrated, expansive, and present,” says Derouault, who has been practicing yoga and meditation for 25 years. “In this state of higher consciousness, you will start to release acquired conditionings and replace them with personalized intentions. Research has shown that Yoga Nidra helps promote healing, lower blood pressure, induce restful sleep, reduce stress, boost the immune system, and slow the aging process.”

The workshop will take place in Central Merritt Island on Saturday June 11, 1- 4pm. Cost is $30 before June 6, $35 after. Call 321-431-5054 to register or for more information.

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