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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Simplify with Organic Raw Food

Jun 27, 2011 11:15AM ● By Kim Smith

Keep your kitchen cool and your body vibrant by incorporating organic raw food into your busy summer lifestyle. Eating organic food has benefits beyond reducing pesticide exposure. Organically grown foods have close to 70% more nutrition than conventionally grown foods, and they taste better as well. Simplifying your eating habits by eating more raw meals saves time and clean up is a breeze. You'll eat less because nutrient dense food satisfies your hunger before it fills you up. Raw food is fuel for your body, not empty calories that your body stores rather than burning. Enjoy a beautiful raw salad tonight.

Raw Salad

1 cup baby spinach
1 cup spring mix
shredded carrots
sliced cucumber
sliced red onion
sweet clover sprouts
sliced zuchinni

Mix together and add a handful of your favorite nuts and raisins or an apple for a delicious, nutritious and satisfying meal.

Kim Smith is passionate about heath care and has 15 years experience offering colonics, therapeutic and relaxation massage. She is located in Merritt Island. For information and appointments call 321-960-0444.

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