Qi-Gong Instructors Training

The Vero Beach Qi-gong Society is offering a bi-annual instructors certification-training course in The Cloudwalker Mind/Body Healing System©. The Level I Teacher Training includes 10-hours student teaching and 16-hours home study following the mandatory reading/video list. (Total time is 110-hours)
The course certifies participants to teach self-applied health-enhancing methods to a general population. Diverse and basic styles of the Qi-gong arts and contraindications will be taught, as well as, stress management, fat burning, peak performance, and body/mind exercises for self-healing from other parts of the world.
Instruction incorporates standing and sitting meditation postures and visualizations for energetic grounding and protection of the emotional and mental fields. Class size is limited to 12 participants and early registration is encouraged.
Class meets weekly beginning July 17 through October 16 and includes 8 Sundays from 3:30-6pm at Unity Center of Vero Beach. An additional 4 weekends of free extra training available if needed. For more information, call 772-569-4090 or visit www.thecloudwalker.com.