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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Ronald Falcon LMT, Inc Opens Private Practice

Ron Falcon LMT, long time West Melbourne spa-therapist and massage therapy instructor, has opened a private practice in Palm Bay. In addition to massage and massage workshops, Reiki I, II, and III classes will be held on a regular basis.

Reiki I & II classes teach the Japanese healing energy arts in a one-day class. Reiki III is for those who have taken Reiki II and prepares the participant to become a Reiki Master Practitioner.

Ron employs an eclectic approach to massage, incorporating multiple modalities in one session to address physical, emotional, and energetic issues. In addition to his massage practice, Ron is also a Reiki Master/Teacher and Continuing Education Provider for the State of Florida.

Reiki classes and massage workshops for therapists and interested lay persons will be taught on a regular basis, see or call 321-952-6633 for more information. Ronald Falcon LMT, Inc. is located in the Woodlake Village Office Park, 4690 Lipscomb St. N.E., Suite #6B, in Palm Bay. (MA#44011, MM#25480, CE Provider #50-10872)