Health and Wellness Acupuncture Special
Indian River Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine is expressing gratitude this Thanksgiving season by offering “Health and Wellness” Acupuncture treatments at a nominal cost of $35. The treatments are available to existing and new patients.
Acupuncture is said to create a relaxing, restorative, and rejuvenating benefits. The Health and Wellness treatments are not intended to diagnose or address specific health problems; however, practitioners at Indian River say these treatments will promote a general feeling of wellbeing, and can help to improve mood, energy, and sleep, while creating inner calmness and tranquility.
Call 772-564-8383 to make an appointment, or several appointments, to experience Health and Wellness Acupuncture treatments through the whole month of November! “Health and Wellness” acupuncture appointments are available with Jessica Pesha, AP, DOM and Stephanie Buttaccio, AP, DOM. Both are in practice with Angela King, AP, DOM at Indian River Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine in Vero Beach.