Workshop: Transform and Bless your Finances with Soul Power!
The Center for Spiritual Living in Rockledge is hosting a workshop to teach participants how to address the root cause of financial blockages. Leading the workshop on January 7, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., will be Master Allan Chuck, Divine Channel and Worldwide Representative of Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, joined by Soul Healing Practitioners, Geho Gold, Marsha Valutis, and Pamela Carmo.
Participants will learn and practice simple and powerful transformative techniques, and receive guidance and a special Divine Blessing to remove spiritual blockages to their financial health.
The Center is located at 835 Executive Lane, Unit 136, Rockledge. Fee is $75 ($90 at door). Register with Marsha Valutis at 321-749-1084. Master Allan is also teaching a Life Enrichment Series on the evening of January 11, 7pm, introducing people to the Power of Soul and the experience of Divine Healing Hands (donations accepted).