Hula Hoop to Health

Hula hooping with Heather Hoog is a fun way to build strength, lose weight, and gain confidence. Hooping is a great core building low-impact exercise for people of all ages. Her classes meet at Taylor Park in Rockledge and at Connectivity Center for Movement in Melbourne. A Level 2 class will start in March for attendees who want to learn more advanced techniques.
“I started hula hooping for the fitness benefits and lost a total of 40 pounds,” says Hoog. “Picking up your hoop periodically through the day can sneak in fat-burning fitness.”
Heather has a Hoopnatica Level 2 Hoop Instructor Certification. She offers beginner classes, meet-up dates, and hula hoops for purchase.
For more information contact Heather at 321-208-3696. Visit for upcoming classes.