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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

The Secret of Successful Relationships Workshop

This interactive workshop, by Relationships 101 author Cary Bayer, teaches people how to take advantage of the Law of Attraction in relationships. By falling deeper in love with themselves, they can magnetize others and create ideal loving relationships.

The class also provides an immensely valuable inner workout for enriching all relationships. Couples learn how to deeply appreciate each other on a daily basis, rooting out the major cause of marital strife and divorce. Singles use these exercises to enhance self-esteem and communications skills.

Students are enlightened on boundaries, and taught how to defend against those might abuse them. They'll learn how to be free from the pain of holding a grudge, and help them complete emotionally unresolved situations. This powerful technique of forgiveness can bring life back to lost relationships. Freeing themselves from emotional toxicity opens the door for unexpected new relationships to dawn, and enriches those already in existence.

The workshop will be held at Aquarian Dreams, 414 N Miramar Ave (Hwy A1A), Indialantic on March 12, 7-9pm. Cost is $15 pre-paid ($25 day of event). Pre-register at 321-729-9495.

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