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Service for Humanity: Becoming a Divine Healing Hands Practitioner

Feb 29, 2012 12:58PM ● By Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

The purpose of life is to serve. Service is my life mission.

– Master Sha, The Power of Soul


Trained as an MD in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha created Power Healing and Soul Mind Body Medicine to combine the essence of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient energy and spiritual healing secrets from China. The founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment, he is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines. He was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. In 2006, Dr. Sha was honored with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for his humanitarian efforts. Since July 2003, when Master Sha was chosen as a Divine Channel, he has transmitted countless Divine Soul Mind Body Transplants to people around the world.

Divine Healing Hands Practitioner Certification Training Program
March 30-April 1

Ocean Center, Daytona Beach
Call 386-341-6260 or visit

Millions of people worldwide are on the spiritual journey now. The spiritual journey is the soul journey. More and more people are searching for soul secrets, wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques. The essence of the soul journey in one sentence: The purpose of life is to serve.

If you offer great service to others; if you make others healthier and happier, if you help transform human consciousness; and if you contribute to love, peace and harmony for humanity, Mother Earth and the universes, you will accumulate great virtue. Virtue is the record of your services. Heaven records these services. You and your loved ones will be tremendously blessed in this and future lifetimes.

There are many ways to serve all over the world and many healing modalities through which to offer service. As an M.D. from China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada, I honor every healing modality because every modality can work.

Soul Healing means using the power of soul to heal. My book The Power of Soul offers a complete soul healing system to empower people to attain optimum health and vitality. I am honored that soul healing has benefitted millions of people worldwide. Soul healing is very much needed by humanity and Mother Earth, especially at this time at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Humanity is in a special time of serious purification. Mother Earth is in a special time of serious transition. Natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos, tornados, floods, dust storms and more; drought and other extremes in weather; famine; wars and all kinds of conflict between people and organizations, including threats of nuclear weapons; economic challenges for individuals, institutions and entire countries; emotional volatility and mental instability; new communicable diseases; pollution of the land, air and water—all of these and more are part of Mother Earth’s transition.

At this special time, the Divine needs special servants to help humanity and Mother Earth get through the intense purification that has begun and will continue for several years. In the Divine Healing Hands Practitioner Certification Training Program the soul of the Divine’s hand is transmitted to approved applicants. In addition, the divine consciousness, divine energy and divine matter of God’s hand are transmitted to recipients. Recipients can offer self-healing and healing of others, including group healing and remote healing, for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and for every aspect of life, including relationships and finances.

The Divine has never given this kind of opportunity to humanity before. Take this opportunity to become a Divine Healing Hands Practitioner. It is an incredible honor and a great privilege to join the global community of Divine Healers serving humanity and all souls.

Join the Divine Healing Hands Practitioner Certification Training Program, March 30-April 1, at the Ocean Center, 101 N. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach led by Master Sha’s special guest Master Peter Hudoba, Worldwide Representative of Master Sha. Apply at Call Geho Gold, 386-341-6260 or Marsha Valutis, 321-749-1084, to receive a free Divine Healing Hands Blessing. Visit a complete list of Master Peter’s events.

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