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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

New Earth Doctors at Aquarian Dreams

Drs. Jennifer Southard and Adam Tice, of New Earth Natural Wellness, LLC are now seeing new patients at Aquarian Dreams. Dr. Tice, recently completed a residency program working as staff physician directly with Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD(H), DD, author, founder, and director of The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona.

The New Earth doctors are offering intelligent, professional holistic solutions to common, and not so common, conditions to reverse chronic diseases and restore balance to the individual. Drs. Southard and Tice are board certified, licensed Primary Care Naturopathic Physicians in Vermont. They are also QRA practitioners and experts in nutritional analysis, classical homeopathy, tonic herbs and individualized clinical meditation techniques to address the root cause of disease using a true holistic approach that achieves optimal health, anti-aging, and longevity.

“We’re thrilled to be home and sharing this cutting-edge information on holistic healing, live foods, and spirituality with the Space Coast,” says Brevard County native Dr. Southard.

For appointments call 321-729-9495. For information call 321-914-3900, visit or email [email protected].