Healing Intensive: Intimacy & Communication for Couples

IntimacyRetreats.com is offering a 4-Day Couples’ Healing Intensive in Sarasota, May 25-28. This retreat provides an opportunity for individuals to experience deep personal growth work in the presence of their partner. Processes of emotional discovery and release are explored in a safe, group-supported setting. Issues addressed may include anger, infidelity, commitment, addictive behaviors, emotional neglect/abuse, sexuality, and other marital and life challenges.
The Healing Intensive is especially powerful for couples struggling to build trust and intimacy in their relationship. It is an opportunity to reveal and engage with whatever is blocking joy, happiness, and communication in the relationship.
Cia Ricco, director of The Center for Natural Healing in Costa Rica, will co-facilitate this event. A body-centered psychotherapist and author of the book Living As If Your Life Depended On It!, Ricco is a well-known workshop faciliator at Kripalu.
Co-facilitators are Richard and Diana Daffner, CS, M.A., internationally-known educators in the fields of love, sex, and relationships. Authors of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples, the Daffners have been leading Intimacy Retreats for 15 years. Utilizing both ancient and modern understandings of intimacy, the Daffners successfully guide couples to connect with their partners on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.
The fee for the 4-day Couples Healing Intensive is $1295/couple, which includes gourmet meals. Nearby lodging starts at $69/night. For more information about the Intensive or about other Intimacy Retreats, visit www.IntimacyRetreats.com. For a free brochure or to speak with the Daffners, call 941-349-6804 or 877-282-4244.