Spring Fever Allergy Screening

During March, Indian River Acupuncture is offering complimentary food sensitivity and environmental allergy testing. Using Applied Kinesiology, Acupuncture Physicians will screen for the 10 most common food sensitivities and 10 most common environmental allergens. Those being testing will get immediate results regarding food and environmental triggers.
Food sensitivities and environmental allergens commonly produce symptoms such as sneezing, sinus congestion, runny nose and headaches. They can also cause digestive issues, weight gain, and eczema and can aggravate hormonal problems and pain.
“When the body is unable to metabolize or process an exposure to certain foods or when it overreacts to an environmental stimulus, the body’s qi, or energy, is thrown out of sync,” says Angela King, AP, DOM. “Acupuncture, coupled with our natural allergy desensitization technique provides a safe, natural and effective way to eliminate the allergies and treat the root cause of your suffering.”
Call to set up a complimentary Spring Fever Allergy Screening. 772-564-8383. Indian River Acupuncture, 1345 36th St, Ste B, Vero Beach.