Herbal Classes in Melbourne

The Herb Corner is offering Reclaiming Our Roots, an introductory class that provides health-promoting herbal skills that have nearly been lost to the modern world. This eight-month learning journey provides an in-depth study of the healing properties of herbs for women, men, children, and pets. It covers all body systems, conditions associated with each system, and beneficial herbs for these systems/conditions. Students learn how to treat non-emergency health problems and gain an understanding of the basics of herbal medicine.
Classes will include how to make teas, tinctures, salves, syrups, compresses, etc. Two herb walks are planned. “Because it is my desire to teach as many as I can about herbal health, I will be offering my classes at a 33% discount charging just $20 per class,” says Cecelia Avitabile, Master Herbalist.
Classes are alternate Saturday mornings April through November at The Herb Corner, 277 N. Babcock St. in Melbourne. Tuition is $20 per class, pay as you go. Pre-registration is required and a $40 non-refundable deposit is required for the book and supplies due April 20. For more information, call 321-757-7522.