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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

THE MELT METHOD® for Women: Christine Purdy, MELT Teacher


MELT is a self-treatment system proven to increase flexibility while reducing pain and minimizing the signs of aging. MELT decreases the accumulated stress caused by repetitive postures and movements of everyday living. It improves whole-body balance and releases tension in your neck and low back. MELT uses soft rollers and distinctive hand and feet balls along with simple movements. MELT can help improve the effects of breast and other cancers, MS, Parkinson’s, fi bromyalgia, chronic fatigue, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, and more. Melt helps support women with the structural changes during pregnancy and helps your body recover after delivery. Christine Purdy teaches MELT classes, workshops, and private sessions in Brevard and Indian
River counties.


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