Radiantly Healthy MD Announces PALEO Community Cleanse

Rebecca Hunton MD is excited to announce The Radiantly Healthy PALEO Community Cleanse starting September 16th. This 2-week at-home detox and digestive rejuvenation program can be done while working and leading your regular lifestyle.
“The cleanse is a comprehensive, no starvation, inner body tune up helps eliminate toxins and waste gently and naturally, while also maximizing cellular energy production, helping your body process food more efficiently and your systems run more smoothly,” says Dr. Hunton. Participants will eat a very clean, whole food, organic diet while drinking medical meal shakes and taking supplements designed to help the body remove toxins from the cells and organs. Studies have shown that toxins weaken our body's ability to burn fat and also cause disease. “If you have lost weight and gained it back again over and over or are battling a health concern, then participating in a gentle detoxification or cleanse would be extremely helpful,” says Dr. Hunton
The cleanse will kick off with a free seminar on Thursday, September 12th at 5:30pm to get participants prepared mentally and physically. Radiantly Healthy MD’s Nutrition Specialist and Lifestyle Coach, Kiara Oberhaensli will give step-by-step guidance and support via daily emails.
For more information please call 321-254-6803. Radiantly Healthy MD is located at 8725 N Wickham Road, Suite 202 in Viera Medical Center.