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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Financial CPR Seminar in Satellite Beach

Jo Anne Shumard, J.D., will lead the seminar, Financial CPR: The Truth about Bankruptcy, on Saturday, March 15 at 11am in Satellite Beach. Shumard is a Bankruptcy Attorney with 25 years experience in bankruptcy and litigation.

This seminar can help those feeling trapped by things they’ve financed and shackled to monthly payments. Shumard will help participants identify the warning signs of financial illness and what to do to change behaviors, find financial wellness and enjoy a fresh start. She will share how risky financial habits impact our wallets, our health and the freedom of a secure financial future.

“We are brainwashed into believing that collecting lots of material things is and should be our life’s main purpose. Affluenza often incorporates a desire and expectation of a standard of living outside one’s financial means. After we give in to the constant message of “more stuff means you are more successful,” it is not uncommon to surrender to the concept of perpetual debt – made easier by low monthly payments, which pay slightly more than the previous month’s interest,” says Shumard. “Affluenza can be picked up like the common cold if we are not diligent.”

According to Shumard, even thrifty shoppers who are careful to make discount purchases can derail smart shopping by using credit cards. “Bargains can morph into huge debts, doubling or tripling the cost of the original purchase, depending on the interest rate. In short, a purchase is not frugal if a balance is carried on a credit card.”

Seating is limited. Please RSVP [email protected]

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