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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Ionic Detox Foot Bath at Holistic Healing Massage

Through the month of May, Holistic Healing Massage is offering a special introductory rate of $20 for Ionic Detox Foot Baths, which are a purifying and cleansing treatment for the body that utilizes the healing power of ions.

The detox foot bath process involves placing a piece of equipment called an array in a tub of water. The array utilizes low voltage direct current to separate the water molecules into positive and negative ions. The ions travel through the body, attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles, and osmosis pulls the neutralized particles out through the skin on the bottom of the feet.

Some of the believed benefits of the Ionic Detox Foot Baths are increased energy, reduction of stress, heavy metal purge, improved sleep, enhanced immune system, liver detoxification, relief of joint pain, reduction in water retention, increased circulation, weight loss assistance and cleansing from bacteria, yeast and viruses.

In addition to this treatment, Holistic Healing Massage also offers colon hydrotherapy, lymph massage and therapeutic massage.

Holistic Healing Massage is in Viera. 321-474-3814. Find us on Facebook.

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