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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Stress, Weight Gain and Our Adrenal Glands.

Feb 02, 2015 11:21AM ● By Lisa Kittel

In our modern society, many of us feel like we are under constant stress and pressure. Financial pressures, traffic jams, busy schedules, parenting, and relationship problems, all take a toll on our adrenals glands. Caffeine and sugar also deplete the adrenals by over-stimulating them. Our adrenal glands produce a wide variety of hormones that regulate energy, fluid balance and several other body processes. When these glands become depleted from stress, it inhibits proper regulation of body fluids, and gluco-corticoids, which mediate the effects of stress and suppress inflammation, sex hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Additionally, cortisol plays a leading role. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands when the body is under stress, and has a positive effect in reducing inflammation, but too much cortisol leads to a break down of lean muscle tissue and an accumulation of fat. Continued stress will cause fat to continue to deposit.

Continued stress will also cause an interruption of the digestive processes. Adding this to the mix compounds the already existing imbalance. We now have a hormone imbalance, low energy process, sugar imbalance, inflammation, digestive interruption and fats being accumulated. With this internal terrain it is nearly impossible to lose weight. You could fast and still realize zero results.

To re-build the adrenals, reduce the intake of caffeine, sugar and carbohydrates. Adaptogens, nerviness (soothing to the nervous system) and adrenal bovine substance are also helpful. To aid the body in recovering its optimal balance include green leafy vegetables, lean meats and plenty of alkaline water in your diet.

Lisa Kittel is a Certified Natural Healthcare Professional and Herbal Consultant who utilizes laboratory blood work and DermaGRID, a skin-terrain analysis. Then a Functional Blood Analysis software program is used to calculate and integrate the lab numbers to determine the health and energy of all organs and glands. To learn more about how stress can affect your adrenal system and how you can bring them back into balance, contact Lisa Kittel at Health Revival with Lisa. Her offices are located in Melbourne and Titusville. 321-480-0514,