Taking Back Your Kingdom: Kasey Claytor
You have diligently studied other’s words, but you also have an incredible voice of your own. Learn to bring the miraculous into your life—be who you came here to be. We’ve forgotten we are the rulers of our kingdoms! Kasey Claytor will reveal her deepest secrets, how you can create all the freedom and wellbeing you need. Commit to following these steps and open up the power that has been yours all along.
Kasey Claytor has been on all sides of life, from food stamps to financial health, struggling to thriving, from unhappy relationships to healthy and fulfilling ones, and searching for meaning to spiritual maturity. She knows what is possible and how you can reach your potential!
Kasey Claytor has been a financial advisor and planner for more than 30 years, and at the same time she has been solidly on the spiritual path studying with many teachers, including Dr. Deepak Chopra. She is certified to teach the Chopra Meditation Course. She has lived what she teaches; she has built a thriving money-management business, Osprey Money Management LLC., which uses her philosophy of making investing easy and simple. With the abundant time she has left, she writes, speaks, coaches and teaches others to truly find wellbeing and prosperity in their own lives.
As a popular in-demand speaker, Kasey has presented this vital information at the Florida Women’s Conference, The Vibrant Women’s Conference, and at blockbuster weekend programs with other speakers. She stays in touch with her coaching community through her newsletters and weekly inspirational messages, and makes herself available to a limited number of coaching clients. She is also the author of three books. For more information visit her booth on Sponsor Row, call 321-383-4005 or 877-650-3796 or visit KaseyClaytor.com