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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Women’s Support Circles Available Locally

Live Life Coach Suzi April is now facilitating Women’s Circles that focus on creating a small and intimate setting and include open discussion, coaching, meditation and strategies for coping with daily life. She also offers individual coaching sessions in person or over the phone.

Clients receive personalized tools and techniques to build confidence and self-esteem. April guides clients to overcome fears that keep them stuck, reduce stress and anxiety and help them develop coping strategies to live in the moment and be more present and focused.

“My focus is coaching clients from ‘I wish’ to ‘I can’ through a process of strengthening their mind-body connection and learning to listen and trust their body’s instincts and intuition,” says April. “Clients discover how to create the shift from where they are now to where they want to be and make lasting changes that create more balance, clarity and inner peace and contribute to personal success.”

Contact Suzi April to learn more about starting a Women’s Circle in your area. Coaching is available one-on-one in person (in Vero Beach/Sebastian area) or by phone or Skype. 772-228-8361. [email protected]. Mention this newsbrief for a free 30-minute consultation.