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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Healing Sessions for Empaths, Intuitives, and Sensitives

Catalina Angel of Catalina’s Angel Inspirations provides sacred session work for children, pets and adults. She offers support for the sensitives, intuitives, healers, empaths and heart-connected people. Catalina’s style and expertise is outside the mainstream box of traditional healing, counseling and education. “When you arrive for session work be ready because I am going to assist you to the next level,” says Catalina. “The next level may be: anchoring more of your soul mission in life; clearing of disease patterns, parasites and/or inorganic energies so that your physical health/life is better; assisting your higher-self to integrate with your human self; soul Integration; or assisting with repairing/restoring damaged or dormant DNA (parts of true self).”

Catalina Angel is an adult indigo who lived in Ojai, California prior to being guided to move to Florida right at the 12:12:12 timeline. In addition to providing sacred session work, Catalina has a gallery of inspirational activation paintings, provides sound healing, and is an author, speaker and an educator.

Sacred session work is provided in person at Catalina’s home office in Vero Beach or via phone or skype. Visit or call 561-345-1363

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