Space Coast Advanced Health

Dr Alukonis provides a multi-faceted approach of healing that can be applied to anyone tired of dealing with debilitating migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, vertigo, balance disorders, peripheral neuropathy, or thyroid issues.
At Space Coast Advanced Health precise individualized plans are developed for each patient to reduce or eliminate symptoms, working toward optimal health with energy. Using an extensive metabolic questionnaire helps to uncover the triggers or reasons your system is out of balance.
For those that continue to suffer even while on thyroid hormone replacement, Dr. Alukonis looks for additional causes related to thyroid symptoms. He runs comprehensive tests to determine if an autoimmune thyroid disorder is present.
In addition, he utilizes the latest in advancements in neck, back and disc herniations and pertrussions. Conditions he can address employing ground breaking procedures using Cold Low Level Laser include carpel tunnel, plantar fasciitis, severe headaches, and others.
Dr Alukonis enjoys helping those that have suffered for years finally find relief and restored health.
Space Coast Advanced Health is located at 299 N Orlando Ave in Cocoa Beach. 321-783-1960.