Ayurvedic and Yogic Detox Workshop

On August 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Chinnamasta Stiles, alternative medical healer and wisdom teacher from Shiva Shakti Loka, will guide a group with a heart focused, inspiring lecture that will blend the art and wisdom of the trilogy teachings.
At this three-hour workshop held at No Worries Natural Medicine, participants will learn practical and safe Ayurvedic and Yogic detox tools for body and mind, which will be things that can be practiced at home. “These ancient Eastern healing sciences provide you the tools to fulfill that deeper longing you feel for a better and more fulfilling life that is real and radically transformative,” says Stiles.
Stiles will share a gentle practice to restore the body, bring serenity to the mind and render the heart soft and compassionate. She will also offer practical tools from her experience that bring nurturing, grounding and insight into participant’s lives, leading with a loving compassionate example of how to bring the spark back into life, guiding one back to heart.
No Worries Natural Medicine, 325 5th Ave, Ste 205, Indialantic. Cost: $45. For more information and to register, call 321-961-8243. NoWorriesNaturalMedicine.com.