Kali Natha Yoga 200-hour Teacher Training

The Kali Natha Yoga 200-hour Teacher Training will be taught on the sacred grounds of Kashi Ashram in Sebastian. The training is scheduled for seven weekends starting February 16. It is open for those wishing to become certified yoga instructors in addition to those who want to deepen their own personal practice and incorporate yoga into all parts of life.
Many people think of yoga as merely a physical practice that can be used to get fit and flexible. But the practice of yoga postures (asana) is only one of the eight ‘limbs’ of yoga as outlined by Patanjali in the Eight Limbed Path of Yoga many centuries ago. The goal of practicing all eight limbs is the essence of yoga which is union with God (Samadhi).
For those who wish to deepen their practice but don’t have time for the teacher training, there will be a one-day yoga retreat January 27.
Call 800-226-1008 x109 for more information on the teacher training. For information on the one-day retreat, visit Tinyurl.com/Jan2018Retreat.