Treasure Coast Medium Offers Monthly Group Readings and Regressions

Tess Tetrault, the Treasure Coast Medium, has been connecting souls locally since she relocated from Long Island, New York five years ago. Tetrault is passionate about reincarnation and facilitates the only monthly group readings and regressions offered to the public.
“We are energy beings having a human experience so our souls can obtain growth in the form of virtues. When we die only the body is lost, the energy of the person remains intact, including their personality,” says Tetrault. “They are accessible through an energetic connection easily facilitated by a medium. Everyone’s loved ones leave signs to prove their existence from this invisible realm. Some people are more aware of these energetic signs than others.”
Tetrault strives to educate the public on many metaphysical subjects and has a passion for teaching how one can keep themselves energetically well. She is also a Reiki Master and a Certified Theta Practitioner.
Coming in Janaury, Tetrault, along with fellow practitioners, will be opening a new Wellness Studio in Stuart. Along with a monthly Reiki circle and meditation group, classes, and group reading for the public, she will continue private readings, past-life regressions and many modalities of healing.
For more information call, 772-200-0016 or visit to find meeting and class schedules online.