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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Ascended Master Meditations at Aruna

Meditation Masters Kumari and Kumara will be offering Ascended Master Meditations at Aruna the second Sunday of each month starting October 14 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

“During these intense times of both incredible spiritual expansion and increasing chaos, you may find yourself feeling confused, frightened and exhausted at times, as we are navigating not only our own, but an entire planet's awakening in consciousness,” states Kumari.

Kumari and Kumara will support your soul-full evolution through these new monthly meditations and transmissions of divine presence in their 5th dimensional sacred portal of Aruna.

Whether a new or seasoned meditator, participants will be guided in spiritual practices of chant, mantra, pranayama and meditation creating a beautiful bridge between the ancient wisdom and cutting-edge New Consciousness teachings. “Extraordinary vibrational sound healing of alchemy crystal bowls, divine wisdom downloads and LoveLight energy transmissions will facilitate deep transformation and healing to guide participants to reach the Highest Potential of heart-centered consciousness for greater ease, clarity, freedom and joy,” says Kumari.

Seating is limited. The sessions take place in Sebastian; directions are provided at registration. Suggested love offering is $22 (any amount appreciated). For more information or to register, visit

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