Aromatherapy for Natural Living Classes in Melbourne

Jacqueline Mouton, Certified Aromatherapist is proud to announce Mudita Aromatics’ Aromatherapy for Natural Living Classes in Melbourne. Classes are open to anyone wanting to learn an alternative or complementary method of protecting vital energy to support everyday well-being. The natural living themed classes inspire a holistic approach to using pure unadulterated essential oils for skin, children, inhalation, staying healthy and green cleaning.
Learn the basics of essential oil safety, dilution, storage and the shelf lives of essential oils. In addition, take home a class manual with additional information and resources, essential oil datasheets used and discussed in class, a chemical analysis and therapeutic properties of oils used in the blend, and your own aromatherapy product creation.
Just in time for the holidays, a class will be held December 13 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Complex. Participants will make calming bath salts perfect as a gift or special treat that will relax away the holiday stress.
Mouton achieved certification with Aromahead Institute, approved by Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA), National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.
Location: Veterans Memorial Complex, 2285 Minton Road, West Melbourne. Cost: $35. For more information, call 321-419-6485 or visit