Rainbow Oil Company Offers Skin Care Oil

Rainbow Oil Company is pleased to offer Face-It Age Defying Face and Skin Care Oil. This oil is designed to help skin naturally produce collagen, eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, and help in clearing up scars and dark spots. “Face-It is effective for persistent acne, scars, eczema, skin rashes, psoriasis, poison ivy, bug bites and for tightening skin,” says Gordon Pennington. “It can even be used as a makeup remover.”
The product is made with a blend of all-natural ingredients using the company’s Flash Infusion Process. “Our infusion process results in ten times the healing power from our all-natural ingredients,” says Gordon Pennington. “Face-It is made from a selected group of pure, naturally grown and refined oils and herbs that are designed to work in synergy. Our natural oil products are absorbed by the skin attacking problems at the source; whereas, water-based products cannot penetrate the cell wall."
For more information, visit Rainbow-Oil-Company.myshopify.com/collections.