Unity of Fort Pierce Presents First Degree Reiki

Join Reiki Masters Rev Janice Cary and Trish Gable for a Reiki I workshop on Saturday, May 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants will learn the techniques and hand positions for a Reiki treatment and the student will be attuned in directing this Universal Life Energy. “All the power of the universe is within,” says Cary. “Once we are aware of and connect with this healing power, we become more peaceful, poised and filled with compassion for ourselves and for all beings.”
“Reiki practice is a way of life which understands where awareness goes, energy follows. Our attitude, gratitude and appreciation lift us into a healing frequency where we are able to experience and direct this pure life force to bring about an opening of the mind, calming of the emotions and healing of body,” says Cary. “Truth Principles are similar. The Principles of Unity, the Principles of Reiki, the Principles of Quantum Physics all point to our realizing that we come from the same primordial Presence/Essence/Energy some call God.”
Location: Unity of Fort Pierce, 3414 Sunrise Blvd., Fort Pierce. For more information and to register, call 772-461-2272. Cost: $150. Includes manual. Bring your lunch.