Bikram Yoga and Inferno Hot Pilates Offered in Vero Beach

Bikram Yoga, offered at Indian River Bikram, is a 90-minute style of hatha yoga postures designed for beginners. A sequence of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises are performed in a heated and humid environment. The series was made popular by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s. The heat allows the muscles to stretch reducing the chance for injury. The postures are low impact. They are performed with body alignment and using your breath. Every practitioner works within their range of motion and results are individual, as well as based on how frequent they practice (3 times a week is recommended). “By the end of the class you have worked every muscle, joint, ligament and system of the body resulting in better lung capacity and circulation; The practice improves muscle flexibility and control, reduces stress, and offers many other benefits,” says studio owner Pat Murray.
They now offer Inferno Hot Pilates (IHP), a 1-hour, full body, low impact, high intensity workout. The classes are currently scheduled on Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. “IHP strengthens muscles and burns fat without the pounding of a high impact workout. It is designed for all fitness levels,” says Murray. “A faster pace than Bikram Yoga with lower heat and music that helps the hour fly by.”
Indian River Bikram Yoga is located at 676 US Hwy 1, Suite 4, Vero Beach. First visit special: 5 classes for $35. 772- 925-9697.