Free Non-Medical Complementary Cancer Care Available

Complementary Cancer Care, Inc. is a new nonprofit organization in Brevard County. Their mission is to provide free non-medical services for anyone in Brevard County who is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, this includes patients, caregivers and survivors. Complementary Cancer Care services are intended to complement a participants’ medical treatment and support all aspects of their healing. They are currently offering weekly yoga and Tai chi classes along with monthly educational support groups which periodically feature educational presentation by local natural health providers, experienced oncology providers, and other local experts.
As a new non-profit, Complementary Cancer Care is grateful for all of the support from local businesses and organizations they have received during their initial launch. These caring people are aligned with the mission of assisting individuals in their cancer recovery journey. "Our goal is to provide compassionate and complementary services to improve total quality of life during treatment and beyond. We want to empower patients through our offerings,” says Amy Fentress, President. “If you are a provider of complementary health services and would like to volunteer to teach classes, make presentations, or offer other services, please contact us.”
For more information about upcoming events and locations, visit To be added to the email list for events and classes, or for information on making a donation email [email protected]