Treasure Coast Collaborative Law Group
Sep 30, 2019 12:34PM ● By Zach Davey
Attorney Patricia Sciarrino and her colleagues, Portia Scott, Kristen Bishop and Alison Leffew, have formed the Treasure Coast Collaborative Law Group (TCCLG), a practice group of professionals dedicated to promoting peaceful resolutions of family law disputes.
A major benefit of the collaborative law process is enhanced communication between the couple throughout the process, which helps to lay the foundation for a healthier relationship during and after the divorce or conflict.
The group’s members include attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals and mediators who assist couples in resolving their disputes out of court, while reducing stress and litigation costs. All members of TCCLG are specially trained in collaborative law and meet regularly to promote this method of dispute resolution in our area.
For more information, please visit their website at