Salt Cave Yoga Available in Sebastian
Sep 30, 2019 01:09PM ● By Zach Davey
The Salt Cave in the The Hair Tiki is pleased to host Luna Sol Yoga every Wednesday evening at 5:45 p.m.
The 45-minute practice led by Suanne Bishop and Evangeline Schober, uses meditation and pranayama (breathing) to relax the body and allow air to move more freely. Participants move through a gentle yoga flow using poses to help open the chest, which creates space to bring in the cleansing salt air which also improves lung capacity. The practice ends with relaxing and cleansing breathing exercises and savasana (final relaxation lying on the mat). “Finding balance between strengthening and stretching, effort and ease, yoga allows us to open for more inner space,” says Bishop. “You leave feeling rejuvenated and grounded.”
“Benefits of yoga in the Salt Cave are simple, the yoga practice focuses on breathing and relaxation while experiencing the benefits of salt therapy (halotherapy),” says Schober. “Salt Therapy is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, holistic way to improve your health. Both are cleansing and relaxing, leaving you feeling rejuvenated.”
The Salt Cave at The Hair Tiki is located at 735 Commerce Center Drive, Suite B in Sebastian. For more information, call 772-228-8986. Register online at