Lung Relief: Biosolar Leaf Purifies Air in London

A 2016 study at the University of British Columbia revealed that air pollution is the fourth-leading cause of death worldwide, with at least 5.5 million air pollution-related fatalities every year. A new cultivation system developed by researchers from Imperial College London collaborating with the startup Arborea have created the world’s first Biosolar Leaf technology to purify and improve the air in London. They hope it’ll boost environmental outcomes not only in the UK, but all over the world. The process works by purifying the air through photosynthesis of microscopic plants, which removes the greenhouse gases from the environment and generates breathable oxygen at the same time.
The startup’s innovative cultivation system can facilitate the growth of microalgae, phytoplankton and diatoms on large, solar panel-like structures that can be installed on buildings and other infrastructure to improve the quality of the atmosphere. Arborea’s cultivation system also creates a sustainable source of organic biomass from which nutritious food additives can be extracted for plant-based food.