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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Calm Your Monkey Mind with Life Coaching and Spiritual Counseling with Rev Janice Cary

Rev. Janice Cary, Unity Minister and Certified Life Coach, is pleased to offer simple and powerful tools to train the brain for success. 

Cary teaches clients how to turn away from the internal chatter and onto something meaningful. “Your brain is a brilliant organ,” says Cary. “It can think brilliant thoughts, or it can run away with you. Like a puppy, your brain can be trained to focus.”

She works with clients who may wish to be successful in their career, experience harmony in relationships, or be a great teacher, parent, or family member. As a Life Coach, she gives clients practical tools to lift above the fog of the “monkey mind.” She encourages clients to take charge of their brain, listen to inner wisdom and experience with more clarity, focus ease and grace in their life.

Cary urges, “Take this opportunity to experience a series of individual coaching sessions designed specifically to discover: What is important to you? Your life’s intentions? Your standards of integrity? See the truth in yourself and others. Become 100% accountable in the matter of your life.”

For more information, contact Rev. Janice Cary at [email protected]. All sessions will be held over Zoom. Hear more from Rev. Janice Cary including an exercise to focus the mind in our video series: Exercise to help Focus Your Mind, Stay in the Moment and Reach for Calm.

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