
Anne Diaz, RN
321-863-3696 -
Neora is a global leader in the anti-aging skincare, wellness, hair care and weight management markets. The company leverages the best in nature coupled with the latest advancements in technology, delivering proven results and one-of-a-kind products with patented ingredients for a holistic, comprehensive approach to anti-aging.
Areas of specialty: Products for the skin, including reduction of the appearance of wrinkles and acne using science-based products that target all the major signs of aging and the underlying causes. Anti-aging for damaged hair, improving the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. Improving brain, gut, and cellular health, energy, sleep, and weight management. Scientifically advanced nutritional ingredients work to promote cognitive function, support the body’s ability to maintain and repair itself, and contribute directly to overall health and wellbeing.
Philosophy: “My goal is helping others look, feel, and live better,” says Anne Diaz. “My passion is weight management and addressing root causes. rather than extreme, unsustainable diet and deprivation, often leading to a rebound of weight gain and more.”