Rainbow Health Company

2020 Murrell Road, Rockledge
321-458-6336 – KureItNow.com
Rainbow Health Company offers powerful products designed to address the root problem as well as the immediate symptoms caused by mineral deficiencies, which is the leading cause of most disease. “Our line of topical natural healing oils use the largest organ of the body, which is your skin, to deliver transdermal nutrition on a cellular level,” says Gordon Pennington.
Wellness products offered: Kure-It frankincense, myrrh and herbal infused healing oils for pain relief and skin issues. The combination of frankincense and myrrh provides synergistic properties for a better therapeutic effect on diseases than individually.
Areas of specialty: Revealing and relieving the root causes of pain and inflammation, chronic pain, muscular tension, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers, liver and kidney disease and many more.
Philosophy: “Rainbow Health Company products are based on the principle that the force that created us has put within our environment everything needed to heal naturally, including the instructions for their use which we find hidden within the texts of the Bible, both new and old testament,” says Pennington.