Homemade Pest Deterrent for Dogs

An all-natural pest deterrent will help a dog avoid a good percentage of the pests they encounter, though not all of them.
To make it, mix eight ounces of pure water with four ounces of organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar, and add 10 drops of neem oil.
Neem oil is not an essential oil; it is an expelled or pressed oil. It is effective because fleas and ticks are repelled by it, and it doesn’t bother pets sensitive to odors. Catnip oil can also be used since it has been proven to be as effective as diethyltoluamide (DEET), the mosquito and tick spray humans use that has a number of toxic side effects. To add extra punch to the mixture, add five drops of lemon, lemongrass, eucalyptus or geranium essential oil.
Store the homemade pest deterrent in the fridge, and before a dog goes outside, mist them with it, being careful to avoid the eyes. The active ingredients, especially the essential oils, dissipate in about four hours, so the solution may have to be reapplied several times throughout the day.

Pest Control: Keeping Dogs Safe from Ticks and Fleas
Natural alternatives to protect dogs from ticks and fleas that are both effective and non-toxic. Read More »