Inner Voices Outer Vision

Janet Roessler CCT, Artist, Speaker, Coach
Ft Pierce, 410-553-1374
Inner Voices Outer Vision (IVOV) believes that simple tools can help get anyone moving from point A (lost, confused, hopeless, discouraged) to point B (hopeful, empowered, moving forward in the direction of their dreams). “Let there be a new light in your eyes that comes from this grounded foundation of steps,” says Janet Roessler.
Wellness services offered: IVOV programs generate self-esteem and confidence by harnessing our ‘inner voices’ to serve our highest-level outer vision. Through Exploration Events, Mastermind Groups, Art-making processes, and Individual Coaching, IVOV harnesses creative ways to teach practical, actionable tools effectively moving us forward in crafting our best life.
Areas of specialty: From Hopelessness to Hope, from hope to possibility, from possibility to action, and from our actions each step moving us closer to and towards our best life.
Philosophy: “I believe, remembering our wholeness in whatever stage we find ourselves, is our journey. As we learn to reinterpret these challenges, we find where we can thrive, train ourselves to effectively and gently, nurture and encourage those inner seeds that call us to align with our purpose,” says Roessler.