Patient Receives Life Saving Heart Treatment
Jul 15, 2022 07:04PM ● By Kris Urquhart
Yale (Yoel) Smith, MD, combines Traditional Medicine with Integrative and Functional, Personalized and Precision Lifestyle Medicine. He looks at the body as individual systems working together in harmony to be a whole unit. If one small piece of the system goes awry, subtle changes will start to occur often unnoticed, eventually causing an escalation of bigger concerns. Through testing, Dr. Smith is able to identify subtle changes that could impact the patient’s health. As a result, he may recommend lifestyle changes, peptide healing, detox, diet, supplementation, or even more specific testing.
When initial testing yields an area of concern, additional testing may be needed to explore possible causes of the results. This was the case for an elderly gentlemen that sought out Dr Smith after reading a Tony Robbins’ Life Force book for Telomere Lengthening. The patient requested a complete work-up by Dr Smith which included the PULS (Protein Unstable Lesion Signature) test. The PULS results indicated he was at high risk of an acute coronary event. Dr. Smith advised the patient that he should have a Cleerly examination study which uses AI to look at stenotic lesions and plaque burden.
The Cleerly study revealed three major high-risk lesions with high-risk unstable plaque burden. Dr. Smith referred the patient to the top Interventional Cardiologist for evaluation and cardiac catheterization. He provided the Cardiologist with an explanation of the results which indicated the location of the lesions and the severity of stenosis, giving the cardiologist a battle plan before the invasive procedure. The patient received three stents exactly where the Cleerly results showed stenosis providing preventative life-saving treatment. Other modalities to deal with the plaque burden will be used for this patient in the coming months.
Dr. Smith, at the The Center for Anti-Aging Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine, is one of only three physicians in the state of Florida that is providing this cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat patients as a prevention before a catastrophic event can occur. Click the learn more button above to contact Dr. Smith.