Leaders in Women's Wellness Profiles

Catch the attention of Natural Awakenings readers with one of our beautiful feature profiles to highlight your services and/or products. Share how you can impact the health of women in our community.
For best rates, consider becoming an ongoing Natural Awakenings advertiser! Ask us about our specials. Current Advertisers: Check with your advertising consultant for current advertiser discounts.
NOTE: Profile colors will vary based on final page layout and arrangement.

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Available in 3 sizes, starting at $295. Every profile campaign includes:
PRINT- Large headshot or full body photo converted to black & white for a classic look
- A personal profile detailing how you and your business support women to cultivate health and restore balance to mind, body and spirit.
- Inclusion in the Women's Wellness Featured Online Directory for 12 months ($480 value)
- All profiles promoted on our home page, social media and email blasts ($350 value)
- Express Directory Listing in Natural Awakenings Online Directory
For best rates, consider becoming an ongoing Natural Awakenings advertiser! Ask us about our specials. Current Advertisers: Check with your advertising consultant for current advertiser discounts.
NOTE: Profile colors will vary based on final page layout and arrangement.
Full page profile: Includes: 350-375 words, large headshot or full body photo

Half page profile: Includes 175-200 words, large headshot or full body photo

Quarter page profile: Includes 75-100 words, large headshot or full body photo

Listings just $129, make it a combo and save!! Tell me more about the Women's Wellness Directory
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