Dr. Sharma Joins Better Health and Wellness Center in Melbourne
Dr. Rozana Sharma, DC, has joined forces with the Better Health and Wellness Center in Melbourne. “I am excited to be back in Melbourne providing the community with expanded services,” says Dr. Sharma. “Combining my physical therapies with the holistic medicine of the practice has been synergistic.” Their line of supplements, Bioactive Nutritional, are clinically formulated and available only through doctors.
At the Better Health and Wellness Center, Dr. Sharma will be utilizing thermography, bioenergetic screening with traditional forms of diagnostic testing and imaging to create health plans for her patients. The health plan will include therapy options as needed to achieve and maintain optimal health, including chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, nutraceuticals, photoceutical cryotherapy, detoxification, postural fitness programs, infrared therapy, and lymphatic drainage.
“I look forward to reconnecting with my patients from the past and assisting new patients,” says Dr. Sharma. “My purpose is to be the healthcare manager in my patient’s lives. Helping them determine the best way to blend traditional and alternative healthcare to live their best life.”
Better Health & Wellness Center is located at 1803 N Wickham Rd, Melbourne. For more information, call 321-259-8250 or visit bhawc.com.